MiniSB Mini Solo Ballet – any style 1 2 MIN 9 years and under
MiniSBm Mini Solo Ballet - any style (Boys) 1 2 MIN 9 years and under
MiniSN Mini Solo National and Folklore 1 2 MIN 9 years and under
MiniSL Mini Solo Lyrical and Contemporary 1 2 MIN 9 years and under
MiniSLm Mini Solo Lyrical and Contemporary (Boys) 1 2 MIN 9 years and under
MiniSZ Mini Solo Jazz 1 2 MIN 9 years and under
MinSZm Mini Solo Jazz (Boys) 1 2 MIN 9 years and under
MiniSW Mini Solo Showstopper 1 2 MIN 9 years and under
MinSWm Mini Solo Showstopper (Boys) 1 2 MIN 9 years and under
MiniSA Mini Solo Acro 1 2 MIN 9 years and under
MiniST Mini Solo Tap 1 2 MIN 9 years and under
MiniSV Mini Solo Song and Dance 1 2 MIN 30 SEC 9 years and under
MiniSH Mini Solo Street Dance and Commercial 1 2 MIN 9 years and under
MiniDB Mini Duet/Trio Ballet – any style 2 OR 3 2 MIN 9 years and under
MiniDN Mini Duet/Trio National and Folklore 2 OR 3 2 MIN 9 years and under
MiniDL Mini Duet/Trio Lyrical and Contemporary 2 OR 3 2 MIN 9 years and under
MiniDZ Mini Duet/Trio Jazz 2 OR 3 2 MIN 9 years and under
MiniDW Mini Duet/Trio Showstopper 2 OR 3 2 MIN 9 years and under
MiniDA Mini Duet/Trio Acro 2 OR 3 2 MIN 9 years and under
MiniDT Mini Duet/Trio Tap 2 OR 3 2 MIN 9 years and under
MiniDV Mini Duet/Trio Song and Dance 2 OR 3 2 MIN 30 SEC 9 years and under
MiniDH Mini Duet/Trio Street Dance and Commercial 2 OR 3 2 MIN 9 years and under
MiniQB Mini Quartet Ballet – any style 4 2 MIN 30 SEC 9 years and under
MiniGSB Mini Small Group Ballet – any style 5 - 10 2 MIN 30 SEC 9 years and under
MiniGSN Mini Small Group National and Folklore 4 - 10 2 MIN 30 SEC 9 years and under
MiniGSL Mini Small Group Lyrical and Contemporary 4 - 10 2 MIN 30 SEC 9 years and under
MiniGSZ Mini Small Group Jazz 4 - 10 2 MIN 30 SEC 9 years and under
MiniGSW Mini Small Group Showstopper 4 - 10 2 MIN 30 SEC 9 years and under
MiniGSA Mini Small Group Acro 4 - 10 2 MIN 30 SEC 9 years and under
MiniGST Mini Small Group Tap 4 - 10 2 MIN 30 SEC 9 years and under
MiniGSV Mini Small Group Song and Dance 4 - 10 3 MIN 9 years and under
MiniGSH Mini Small Group Street Dance 4 - 10 2 MIN 30 SEC 9 years and under
MiniGSC Mini Small Group Commercial 4 - 10 2 MIN 30 SEC 9 years and under
MiniGLB Mini Large Group Ballet – any style 11+ 3 MIN 9 years and under
MiniGLN Mini Large Group National and Folklore 11+ 3 MIN 9 years and under
MiniGLL Mini Large Group Lyrical and Contemporary 11+ 3 MIN 9 years and under
MiniGLZ Mini Large Group Jazz 11+ 3 MIN 9 years and under
MiniGLW Mini Large Group Showstopper 11+ 3 MIN 9 years and under
MiniGLA Mini Large Group Acro 11+ 3 MIN 9 years and under
MiniGLT Mini Large Group Tap 11+ 3 MIN 9 years and under
MiniGLV Mini Large Group Song and Dance 11+ 3 MIN 30 SEC 9 years and under
MiniGLH Mini Large Group Street Dance 11+ 3 MIN 9 years and under
MiniGLC Mini Large Group Commercial 11+ 3 MIN 9 years and under



KSB Children Solo Ballet – any style (not repertoire) (age 10 – 12 years) 1 2 MIN 10 – 12 years
KSBm Children Solo Ballet (Boys) – any style (not repertoire) 1 2 MIN 10 – 13 years
KSBR Children Solo Ballet Repertoire (age 10 – 12 years) 1 2 MIN 30 SEC 10 – 12 years
KSBRm Children Solo Ballet Repertoire (Boys) 1 2 MIN 30 SEC 10 – 13 years
KSPB Children Solo Ballet - any style (not repertoire) with pointe shoes optional (age 12 – 13 years only) 1 2 MIN 12 – 13 years
KSPBR Children Solo Ballet Repertoire with pointe shoes (age 12 – 13 only) 1 2 MIN 30 SEC 12 – 13 years
KSN Children Solo National and Folklore 1 2 MIN 10 – 13 years
KSNm Children Solo National and Folklore (Boys) 1 2 MIN 10 – 13 years
KSE1 Children Solo Contemporary 1 1 2 MIN 10 – 11 years
KSE2 Children Solo Contemporary 2 1 2 MIN 12 – 13 years
KSEm Children Solo Contemporary (Boys) 1 2 MIN 10 – 13 years
KSL1 Children Solo Lyrical 1 1 2 MIN 10 – 11 years
KSL2 Children Solo Lyrical 2 1 2 MIN 12 – 13 years
KSLm Children Solo Lyrical (Boys) 1 2 MIN 10 – 13 years
KSZ1 Children Solo Jazz 1 1 2 MIN 10 – 11 years
KSZ2 Children Solo Jazz 2 1 2 MIN 12 – 13 years
KSZm Children Solo Jazz (Boys) 1 2 MIN 10 – 13 years
KSW1 Children Solo Showstopper 1 1 2 MIN 10 – 11 years
KSW2 Children Solo Showstopper 2 1 2 MIN 12 – 13 years
KSWm Children Solo Showstopper (Boys) 1 2 MIN 10 – 13 years
KSA1 Children Solo Acro 1 1 2 MIN 10 – 11 years
KSA2 Children Solo Acro 2 1 2 MIN 12 – 13 years
KSAm Children Solo Acro (Boys) 1 2 MIN 10 – 13 years
KST Children Solo Tap 1 2 MIN 10 – 13 years
KSV Children Solo Song and Dance 1 2 MIN 30 SEC 10 – 13 years
KSH1 Children Solo Street Dance 1 1 2 MIN 10 – 11 years
KSH2 Children Solo Street Dance 2 1 2 MIN 12 – 13 years
KSHm Children Solo Street Dance (Boys) 1 2 MIN 10 – 13 years
KSC1 Children Solo Commercial 1 1 2 MIN 10 – 11 years
KSC2 Children Solo Commercial 2 1 2 MIN 12 – 13 years
KDB Children Duet/Trio Ballet – any style 2 OR 3 2 MIN 13 years and under
KDBP Children Duet/Trio Ballet – any style – NOT REPERTOIRE – POINTE SHOE ONLY 2 OR 3 2 MIN 12 – 13 Years
KDPDD Children Duet/Trio Pas de Deux/Trois (age 12-13 only) 2 OR 3 2 MIN 30 SEC 12 – 13 years
KDN Children Duet/Trio National and Folklore 2 OR 3 2 MIN 13 years and under
KDE Children Duet/Trio Contemporary 2 OR 3 2 MIN 13 years and under
KDL Children Duet/Trio Lyrical 2 OR 3 2 MIN 13 years and under
KDZ Children Duet/Trio Jazz 2 OR 3 2 MIN 13 years and under
KDW Children Duet/Trio Showstopper 2 OR 3 2 MIN 13 years and under
KDA Children Duet/Trio Acro 2 OR 3 2 MIN 13 years and under
KDT Children Duet/Trio Tap 2 OR 3 2 MIN 13 years and under
KDV Children Duet/Trio Song and Dance 2 OR 3 2 MIN 30 SEC 13 years and under
KDH Children Duet/Trio Street Dance 2 OR 3 2 MIN 13 years and under
KDC Children Duet/Trio Commercial 2 OR 3 2 MIN 13 years and under
KQB Children Quartet Ballet – any style 4 2 MIN 30 SEC 13 years and under
KGSB Children Small Group Ballet – any style (not classical or repertoire) 5 - 10 2 MIN 30 SEC 13 years and under
KGSBC Children Small Group Classical Ballet and Repertoire 5 - 10 2 MIN 30 SEC 13 years and under
KGSN Children Small Group National and Folklore 4 - 10 2 MIN 30 SEC 13 years and under
KGSE Children Small Group Contemporary 4 - 10 2 MIN 30 SEC 13 years and under
KGSL Children Small Group Lyrical 4 - 10 2 MIN 30 SEC 13 years and under
KGSZ Children Small Group Jazz 4 - 10 2 MIN 30 SEC 13 years and under
KGSW Children Small Group Showstopper 4 - 10 2 MIN 30 SEC 13 years and under
KGSA Children Small Group Acro 4 - 10 2 MIN 30 SEC 13 years and under
KGST Children Small Group Tap 4 - 10 2 MIN 30 SEC 13 years and under
KGSV Children Small Group Song and Dance 4 - 10 3 MIN 13 years and under
KGSH Children Small Group Street Dance 4 - 10 2 MIN 30 SEC 13 years and under
KGSC Children Small Group Commercial 4 - 10 2 MIN 30 SEC 13 years and under
KGLB Children Large Group Ballet – any style (not classical or repertoire) 11+ 3 MIN 13 years and under
KGLBC Children Large Group Classical Ballet and Repertoire 11+ 3 MIN 13 years and under
KGLN Children Large Group National and Folklore 11+ 3 MIN 13 years and under
KGLE Children Large Group Contemporary 11+ 3 MIN 13 years and under
KGLL Children Large Group Lyrical 11+ 3 MIN 13 years and under
KGLZ Children Large Group Jazz 11+ 3 MIN 13 years and under
KGLW Children Large Group Showstopper 11+ 3 MIN 13 years and under
KGLA Children Large Group Acro 11+ 3 MIN 13 years and under
KGLT Children Large Group Tap 11+ 3 MIN 13 years and under
KGLV Children Large Group Song and Dance 11+ 3 MIN 30 SEC 13 years and under
KGLH Children Large Group Street Dance 11+ 3 MIN 13 years and under
KGLC Children Large Group Commercial 11+ 3 MIN 13 years and under



JSB1 Junior Solo Ballet - any style (not repertoire) 1 1 2 MIN 14 - 15 years
JSB2 Junior Solo Ballet - any style (not repertoire) 2 1 2 MIN 16 - 17 years
JSBm Junior Solo Ballet (Boys) - any style (not repertoire) 1 2 MIN 14 - 17 years
JSBR1 Junior Solo Ballet Repertoire 1 1 2 MIN 30 SEC 14 - 15 years
JSBR2 Junior Solo Ballet Repertoire 2 1 2 MIN 30 SEC 16 - 17 years
JSBRm Junior Solo Ballet Repertoire (Boys) 1 2 MIN 30 SEC 14 - 17 years
JSN Junior Solo National and Folklore 1 2 MIN 14 - 17 years
JSNm Junior Solo National and Folklore (Boys) 1 2 MIN 14 - 17 years
JSE1 Junior Solo Contemporary 1 1 2 MIN 14 - 15 years
JSE2 Junior Solo Contemporary 2 1 2 MIN 16 - 17 years
JSEm Junior Solo Contemporary (Boys) 1 2 MIN 14 - 17 years
JSL1 Junior Solo Lyrical 1 1 2 MIN 14 - 15 years
JSL2 Junior Solo Lyrical 2 1 2 MIN 16 - 17 years
JSLm Junior Solo Lyrical (Boys) 1 2 MIN 14 - 17 years
JSZ1 Junior Solo Jazz 1 1 2 MIN 14 - 15 years
JSZ2 Junior Solo Jazz 2 1 2 MIN 16 - 17 years
JSZm Junior Solo Jazz (Boys) 1 2 MIN 14 - 17 years
JSW1 Junior Solo Showstopper 1 1 2 MIN 14 - 15 years
JSW2 Junior Solo Showstopper 2 1 2 MIN 16 - 17 years
JSWm Junior Solo Showstopper (Boys) 1 2 MIN 14 - 17 years
JSA1 Junior Solo Acro 1 1 2 MIN 14 - 15 years
JSA2 Junior Solo Acro 2 1 2 MIN 16 - 17 years
JSAm Junior Solo Acro (Boys) 1 2 MIN 14 - 17 years
JST Junior Solo Tap 1 2 MIN 14 - 17 years
JSV Junior Solo Song and Dance 1 2 MIN 30 SEC 14 - 17 years
JSH1 Junior Solo Street Dance 1 1 2 MIN 14 - 15 years
JSH2 Junior Solo Street Dance 2 1 2 MIN 16 - 17 years
JSHm Junior Solo Street Dance (Boys) 1 2 MIN 14 - 17 years
JSC1 Junior Solo Commercial 1 1 2 MIN 14 - 15 years
JSC2 Junior Solo Commercial 2 1 2 MIN 16 - 17 years
JDB Junior Duet/Trio Ballet – any style (not repertoire) 2 OR 3 2 MIN 30 SEC 14 - 17 years
JDPDD Junior Duet/Trio Pas de Deux/Trois 2 OR 3 2 MIN 30 SEC 14 - 17 years
JDN Junior Duet/Trio National and Folklore 2 OR 3 2 MIN 30 SEC 14 - 17 years
JDE Junior Duet/Trio Contemporary 2 OR 3 2 MIN 30 SEC 14 - 17 years
JDL Junior Duet/Trio Lyrical 2 OR 3 2 MIN 30 SEC 14 - 17 years
JDZ Junior Duet/Trio Jazz 2 OR 3 2 MIN 30 SEC 14 - 17 years
JDW Junior Duet/Trio Showstopper 2 OR 3 2 MIN 30 SEC 14 - 17 years
JDA Junior Duet/Trio Acro 2 OR 3 2 MIN 30 SEC 14 - 17 years
JDT Junior Duet/Trio Tap 2 OR 3 2 MIN 30 SEC 14 - 17 years
JDV Junior Duet/Trio Song and Dance 2 OR 3 3 MIN 14 - 17 years
JDH Junior Duet/Trio Street Dance 2 OR 3 2 MIN 30 SEC 14 - 17 years
JDC Junior Duet/Trio Commercial 2 OR 3 2 MIN 30 SEC 14 - 17 years
JQB Junior Quartet Ballet 4 3 MIN 14 - 17 years
JGSB Junior Small Group Ballet – any style (not classical or repertoire) 5 - 10 3 MIN 14 - 17 years
JGSBC Junior Small Group Classical Ballet and Repertoire 5 - 10 3 MIN 14 - 17 years
JGSN Junior Small Group National and Folklore 4 - 10 3 MIN 14 - 17 years
JGSE Junior Small Group Contemporary 4 - 10 3 MIN 14 - 17 years
JGSL Junior Small Group Lyrical 4 - 10 3 MIN 14 - 17 years
JGSZ Junior Small Group Jazz 4 - 10 3 MIN 14 - 17 years
JGSW Junior Small Group Showstopper 4 - 10 3 MIN 14 - 17 years
JGSA Junior Small Group Acro 4 - 10 3 MIN 14 - 17 years
JGST Junior Small Group Tap 4 - 10 3 MIN 14 - 17 years
JGSV Junior Small Group Song and Dance 4 - 10 3 MIN 30 SEC 14 - 17 years
JGSH Junior Small Group Street Dance 4 - 10 3 MIN 14 - 17 years
JGSC Junior Small Group Commercial 4 - 10 3 MIN 14 - 17 years
JGLBC Junior Large Group Classical Ballet and Repertoire 11+ 3 MIN 30 SEC 14 - 17 years
JGLB Junior Large Group Ballet - any style (not classical or repertoire) 11+ 3 MIN 30 SEC 14 - 17 years
JGLN Junior Large Group National and Folklore 11+ 3 MIN 30 SEC 14 - 17 years
JGLE Junior Large Group Contemporary 11+ 3 MIN 30 SEC 14 - 17 years
JGLL Junior Large Group Lyrical 11+ 3 MIN 30 SEC 14 - 17 years
JGLZ Junior Large Group Jazz 11+ 3 MIN 30 SEC 14 - 17 years
JGLW Junior Large Group Showstopper 11+ 3 MIN 30 SEC 14 - 17 years
JGLA Junior Large Group Acro 11+ 3 MIN 30 SEC 14 - 17 years
JGLT Junior Large Group Tap 11+ 3 MIN 30 SEC 14 - 17 years
JGLV Junior Large Group Song and Dance 11+ 4 MIN 30 SEC 14 - 17 years
JGLH Junior Large Group Street Dance 11+ 3 MIN 30 SEC 14 - 17 years
JGLC Junior Large Group Commercial 11+ 3 MIN 30 SEC 14 - 17 years



SnSB Senior Solo Ballet – any style (not repertoire) 1 2 MIN 18 – 25 years
SnSBR Senior Solo Ballet repertoire 1 2 MIN 30 SEC 18 – 25 years
SnSN Senior Solo National and Folklore 1 2 MIN 18 – 25 years
SnSE Senior Solo Contemporary 1 2 MIN 18 – 25 years
SnSEm Senior Solo Contemporary (Boys) 1 2 MIN 18 – 25 years
SnSL Senior Solo Lyrical 1 2 MIN 18 – 25 years
SnSLm Senior Solo Lyrical (Boys) 1 2 MIN 18 – 25 years
SnSZ Senior Solo Jazz 1 2 MIN 18 – 25 years
SnSZm Senior Solo Jazz (Boys) 1 2 MIN 18 – 25 years
SnSW Senior Solo Showstopper 1 2 MIN 18 – 25 years
SnSWm Senior Solo Showstopper (Boys) 1 2 MIN 18 – 25 years
SnSA Senior Solo Acro 1 2 MIN 18 – 25 years
SnST Senior Solo Tap 1 2 MIN 18 – 25 years
SnSV Senior Solo Song and Dance 1 2 MIN 30 SEC 18 – 25 years
SnSH Senior Solo Street Dance 1 2 MIN 18 – 25 years
SnSC Senior Solo Commercial 1 2 MIN 18 – 25 years
SnDB Senior Duet/Trio Ballet – any style (not repertoire) 2 OR 3 2 MIN 30 SEC 25 years and under
SnDPDD Senior Duet/Trio Pas de Deux/Trois 2 OR 3 2 MIN 30 SEC 25 years and under
SnDN Senior Duet/Trio National and Folklore 2 OR 3 2 MIN 30 SEC 25 years and under
SnDE Senior Duet/Trio Contemporary 2 OR 3 2 MIN 30 SEC 25 years and under
SnDL Senior Duet/Trio Lyrical 2 OR 3 2 MIN 30 SEC 25 years and under
SnDZ Senior Duet/Trio Jazz 2 OR 3 2 MIN 30 SEC 25 years and under
SnDW Senior Duet/Trio Showstopper 2 OR 3 2 MIN 30 SEC 25 years and under
SnDA Senior Duet/Trio Acro 2 OR 3 2 MIN 30 SEC 25 years and under
SnDT Senior Duet/Trio Tap 2 OR 3 2 MIN 30 SEC 25 years and under
SnDV Senior Duet/Trio Song and Dance 2 OR 3 3 MIN 25 years and under
SnDH Senior Duet/Trio Street Dance 2 OR 3 2 MIN 30 SEC 25 years and under
SnDC Senior Duet/Trio Commercial 2 OR 3 2 MIN 30 SEC 25 years and under
SnQB Senior Quartet Ballet – any style 4 3 MIN 25 years and under
SnGSB Senior Small Group Ballet – any style (not classical or repertoire) 5 - 10 3 MIN 25 years and under
SnGSBC Senior Small Group Classical Ballet and Repertoire 5 - 10 3 MIN 25 years and under
SnGSN Senior Small Group National and Folklore 4 - 10 3 MIN 25 years and under
SnGSE Senior Small Group Contemporary 4 - 10 3 MIN 25 years and under
SnGSL Senior Small Group Lyrical 4 - 10 3 MIN 25 years and under
SnGSZ Senior Small Group Jazz 4 - 10 3 MIN 25 years and under
SnGSW Senior Small Group Showstopper 4 - 10 3 MIN 25 years and under
SnGSA Senior Small Group Acro 4 - 10 3 MIN 25 years and under
SnGST Senior Small Group Tap 4 - 10 3 MIN 25 years and under
SnGSV Senior Small Group Song and Dance 4 - 10 3 MIN 30 SEC 25 years and under
SnGSH Senior Small Group Street Dance 4 - 10 3 MIN 25 years and under
SnGSC Senior Small Group Commercial 4 - 10 3 MIN 25 years and under
SnGLB Senior Large Group Ballet - any style (not classical or repertoire) 11+ 3 MIN 30 SEC 25 years and under
SnGLBC Senior Large Group Classical Ballet and Repertoire 11+ 3 MIN 30 SEC 25 years and under
SnGLN Senior Large Group National and Folklore 11+ 3 MIN 30 SEC 25 years and under
SnGLE Senior Large Group Contemporary 11+ 3 MIN 30 SEC 25 years and under
SnGLL Senior Large Group Lyrical 11+ 3 MIN 30 SEC 25 years and under
SnGLZ Senior Large Group Jazz 11+ 3 MIN 30 SEC 25 years and under
SnGLW Senior Large Group Showstopper 11+ 3 MIN 30 SEC 25 years and under
SnGLA Senior Large Group Acro 11+ 3 MIN 30 SEC 25 years and under
SnGLT Senior Large Group Tap 11+ 3 MIN 30 SEC 25 years and under
SnGLV Senior Large Group Song and Dance 11+ 4 MIN 30 SEC 25 years and under
SnGLH Senior Large Group Street Dance 11+ 3 MIN 30 SEC 25 years and under
SnGLC Senior Large Group Commercial 11+ 3 MIN 30 SEC 25 years and under