Important Dates for the 2024 Finals in Prague, Czech Republic.

Please find below the dates for the DWC 2024 Finals competition, which will be held at the Prague Congress Centre in Prague, Czech Republic this summer.


The comprehensive schedule will be posted TWO WEEKS after the closing date of 01 May 2024 for all countries.


Opening Ceremony: Friday 28 June 2024 – Early Evening - 16:30 assemble / 17:30 start of parade.
This is a parade style event that is held at the beginning of the competition, open to all participants.

Participants will walk with their country in their country tracksuits/t-shirts, waving their country flags along the streets of Prague, finally ending the ceremony with the dignitaries of the town opening the competition. 

The parade route and times of the event will be announced in due course. Please note that is not a compulsory event and there is not a charge for participants’ families to watch.


Mini & Children competition: Thursday 27 June to Tuesday 02 July 2024

 Sections/Classes that will start on THURSDAY 27 JUNE are as below:

  • MiniSA
  • MiniDB
  • MiniDT
  • MiniDW
  • MiniGST
  • MiniGSW
  • KSL1
  • KSL2
  • KSN
  • KSNm
  • KSW1
  • KSW2


Sections/Classes that will start on FRIDAY 28 JUNE are as below:

  • MiniSB
  • MiniSBm
  • MiniSW
  • MiniSWm
  • MiniDA
  • MiniDL
  • MiniDN
  • MiniQB
  • MiniGSN
  • KGSA
  • KGSL
  • KGSN

The rest of the Mini & Children sections/classes will start on SATURDAY 29 JUNE 2024. A full schedule will be released in May 2024.

Gala Performances - Mini and Children: Tuesday 02 July 2024 – Main Theatre – Prague Congress Centre

Classical Gala - afternoon - time to be confirmed.
Theatrical Gala - evening - time to be confirmed.

The mini and children gala performance is an event which is held after the mini and children competition and showcases gold winners and also Chairman’s choices of the mini and children’s sections. Overall awards will be chosen and awarded at the Gala which will be held at the main theatre at the Prague Congress Centre. If a participant is dancing at the gala, they will be invited to the event in advance. A schedule for the event will be available once the mini and children competition is complete.


Junior & Senior competition: Monday 01 July to Saturday 06 July 2024

Sections/Classes that will start on MONDAY 01 JULY are as below:

  • JSH
  • JSHm
  • JDH
  • SnSC
  • SnSH
  • SnSL
  • SnSLm
  • SnSW
  • SnSWm
  • SnDH
  • SnDL
  • SnDW

The rest of the Junior & Senior sections/classes will start on TUESDAY 02 JULY 2024. A full schedule will be released in May 2024.


Gala Performances - Junior & Senior : Saturday 06 July 2024 – Main Theatre – Prague Congress Centre

Classical Gala - afternoon - time to be confirmed.
Theatrical Gala - evening - time to be confirmed.

The Junior and Senior gala performance is an event which is held at the end of the competition and showcases the gold winners and also Chairman’s choices from the Junior and Senior sections of the competition. Overall awards will be chosen and awarded at the Gala which will be held at the main theatre at the Prague Congress Centre. If a participant is dancing at the gala, they will be invited to the event in advance.



Should you have any queries please contact your qualifier organiser who can assist you further.