We’d like to remind you that Moliné Travel is our official and trusted travel agency for the DWC Finals.

Discover a wide range of excellent accommodation options in Burgos and nearby cities, to secure your perfect stay for the DWC 2025 Finals by visiting their website today!


For those planning to stay in Valladolid, Moliné Travel will provide daily transfers sponsored by DWC at a special participant rate of €10 per person, each way.


Moliné Travel Busses

Daily Transfer Schedule:

• Valladolid to Burgos: 07:00 AM

• Burgos to Valladolid: 10:30 PM


How to Book Your Transfer:

To reserve your seat on the DWC coach, please complete and submit the Registration Form and if you need more information please email them at infobusburgos2025@molinetravel.com.

For more detailed information on accommodation and travel for the Finals, kindly visit our Accommodation & Travel Info Burgos 2025 page.

We’re here to make your DWC 2025 Finals experience as smooth and memorable as possible!